In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of History

Document Type : pajoheshi


1 Ph.D Student of Islamic History, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran-Iran

2 Professor of History Department, Shiraz University

3 Professor of History Department, Shahid Beheshti University

4 Professor of History Department, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch , Tehran-Iran


The cannon, as a heavy, collective, expensive weapon, requiring training in the use and expense of construction, maintenance, and deployment could only be in the hands of the central government. Historical evidence suggests that the use of this modern weapon has been a decisive and accelerating factor in controlling centrifugal forces, suppressing local rogue rulers, and consolidating and expanding central sovereignty. As a result of the expansion of central government authority over all the Safavid territory gained through the shelling of the cannon, the reign of Shah Abbas I was accompanied by the least internal strife, and this resulted in great victories in the frontier battles (the conquest of Yerevan by Shah Safi and the conquest of Kandahar and the defense of it three times against the Mongolian government of India), which also relied on artillery fire. With the emergence of signs of weakness of the Safavid rule and the start of widespread border revolts, although the gunners have always been part of the army, their incapability in effectively use artillery in the fortress war (face to face war) led to the overthrown of the  government army and eventually, the collapse of the Safavids.
In the repression of local rulers if the "fortress war" took place, the destructive power of the bullets and the sound of cannon shattering would defeat any resistance, but in the " fortress war and face-to-face" wars, in the Safavid period, sufficient skill was used. The artillery was not effective and decisive. The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on library studies.


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