In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of History

Document Type : pajoheshi


Associate Professor of History Department, Shiraz University


One year after the signing of the Iran-US Cooperation Agreement on Rural Development, agricultural experts from the College of Agriculture of Utah went to Fars province and eight other provinces to provide technical assistance to farmers, landowners and agricultural staff. Experts settled in Shiraz on November 2, 1930, and during their six years of work, provided technical assistance in agricultural extension and training, propagation training, agricultural mechanization and plant pest management. This study seeks to answer a fundamental question: What role did the US Economic Operations Board play in the agricultural transformation of Fars province?
    The findings of the study indicate that prior to the Americans’ presence in Fars, agriculture was traditional and, after the presence of Utah agricultural experts and the establishment of sample farms and practical training and theory, the mechanization of agriculture and the introduction of modern agriculture gradually provided that production increased per unit area and farmers in the stages of planting and harvesting, gradually used new tools and agricultural machinery such as tractors and combines. The research method is descriptive-analytical and the method of data collection is based on the library resources available at the University of Utah and the National Library and Documentation Organization of Iran.


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