In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of History

Document Type : pajoheshi


1 Associate Professor at History Department, Razi University

2 Assistant Professor, Lorestan University


The time of Naser al-Din Shah’s rule is the beginning of important developments in Iranian history and the expansion of communication with European countries and the exploitation of Western technical and technological patterns. One of these tools was the telegraph and their specific buildings telegraph offices. This led to the formation of a new type of historical documents. These documents opened a new chapter in the history of contemporary history, in particular local history, including the recording local reports of local reports with new forms of modern communication. Based on this, the present study, based on the texts, historical documents and manuscripts, using a descriptive-analytical method, is to answer the following questions: How was the process of establishing and developing telegraph offices in Lorestan during the Naseri era? And how did the development of telegraph lines affect the process of Naserid political focus? The findings of the research have shown that Lorestan with a mountainous nature and inhabitants of Iliyat, has been one of the most unsettled countries and provinces of Iran until the Naseri time, and the control and influence of central power in it was very unstable and in this situation, the development of telegraph lines could have made a major change in the availability of central power to the region and its security in the Naseri era. The role of the telegraph as a communication and awareness tool was soon revealed for Naser al-Din Shah, agents and governors of the provinces in the Lorestan region. In addition, the telegraph on the formation and production of historical awareness and documents in the oral and nomadic society of Lorestan has provided important resources and documents that are of great importance.


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