In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of History

Document Type : pajoheshi


1 Ph.D. Student of History of Islamic Iran, Payam-e Noor University

2 Associate Professor at History Department, Payam-e Noor University


The land reform was the first bill of the sixth bills of the White Revolution (Revolution of the Shah and the Nation), which was implemented by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi in ​​1340 for various purposes. One of the goals of the land reform was the abolition of the Mauluk-al-Tuvaifi and the elimination of the lord's regime. Fars province, which was considered as the seventh province at that time and also one of the most important and widespread agricultural provinces in Iran, received the attention of the Pahlavi II government during the land reform process. With the commencement of the implementation of the land reform law, the owners, who, by implementing this law, lost their properties in favor of the farmers, began their opposition to its realization. In this research, with an analytical descriptive approach and using the documents, we seek to answer the fundamental question: how was the adoption of the Land Reform Act, the owners 'and farmers' attitude of the Qalat village, and how the attitudes of the second government officials towards the implementation of this law were. The premise is prevalent that with the passage of the land reform law, the owners of Qalat refused to give land to the landowners, and government officials, despite trying to stabilize the situation, failed to implement land reform in Qalat.


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