In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of History

Document Type : pajoheshi


Assistant Professor of History, Department of Islamic Studies, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran.



The most important goal of this qualitative-descriptive research is the historical investigation of the formation of the resources of the religious forces mobilization in Saveh in the process of the Islamic revolution from 1963-1978. The data collection method is the documents related to the revolution based on Charles Tilly's resource mobilization theory. The research seeks to answer the main question: what was the historical process of mobilizing the resources of religious forces in the process of the Islamic revolution in Saveh? It seems that the components extracted from Charles Tilly's theory are appropriate in explaining how to mobilize the resources of the religious forces of Saveh city in the Islamic revolution process. The findings indicate that in the process of the Islamic revolution in Saveh, the different groups and classes that sought to mobilize resources against the Pahlavi regime include: clergy, marketers, educators (teachers and students) and women. In this period, non-organizational groups centered on clerics were formed and they were mainly active in mosques and religious centers. All sources of power were operating by not using compulsory sources such as weapons, useful sources through information services such as cassette tapes and normative sources with religious ceremonies during the days of Muharram, Safar and Ramadan. The resource mobilization were formed with defensive mobilization with measures such as destroying the statue of the king and aggresive mobilization with strikes, closing markets and demonstrations, and collective actions were assoiated with two types of "reactive collective action" (strikes) and "initiative collective action" (street clashes between revolutionary forces and regime agents).


Main Subjects

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