In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of History

Document Type : pajoheshi


1 Department of The History and Civilization ‎of Islamic Nation, Payame Noor University ‎‎(PNU), Tehran, Iran‎.

2 2History of Humanities and Cultural Studies ‎Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.‎

3 history of islamic culture and civilization, faculty of theology, ferdowsi university of mashhad, mashhadT iran



In the field of historiography of Lorestan in the second Pahlavi era, no research has been done to determine the subject areas and methodology. The purpose of this research is to study and analyze the remaining works about the history of Lorestan during the Pahlavi period (1357-1320) and to criticize the common writing styles of that time in terms of method and content. The general feature of existing historiography is the investigation of personalities, institutions and organizations, which mostly covers political history and less deals with social, economic, cultural and artistic history. Therefore, the scientific criticism and evaluation of these works is important for the purpose of the desired scientific productions and the promotion of researches in the field of local history of Lorestan. The findings indicate that three main types of historiography can be identified: character-oriented historiography or monograph, official historiography with the content of works and compositions (books), and oral historiography. In these works, people of Lorestan’s social history, including the petitions of the people to the members of parliament, which are a good source in this regard, have been neglected. Another problem in the field of historiography of this period is the dispersion of data and information sources. The lack of an independent document database specific to the province has made difficult to access to sufficient data for scientific productions.


Main Subjects

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