mohsen Rahmati
Several Atabeg dynasties emerged in different parts of Iran in the second half of the 6/12th century as a result of the weakness of the Seljuqs. One of which was formed by the elders of the Afshar tribe in the region of Khuzestan and Lorestan. One of their chiefs, Shumleh, entered the Seljuqid court ...
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Several Atabeg dynasties emerged in different parts of Iran in the second half of the 6/12th century as a result of the weakness of the Seljuqs. One of which was formed by the elders of the Afshar tribe in the region of Khuzestan and Lorestan. One of their chiefs, Shumleh, entered the Seljuqid court and went to Khuzestan in the political turmoil after the death of the Seljuqid Sultan Masud in 547 A.H. With the support of some of the Seljuqid princes, he founded the new Atabeg dynasty in this area, which may be named the Banu Shumleh dynasty after its founder. In this descriptive-analytical research, the establishment, legitimization, stabilization and finally the decline of this lesser known dynasty will be investigated.The findings show that the weakness of the Seljuqid and the favorable political activity of the Atabeg institution were conducive to the presence of Afshars in power struggles. The rulers of this dynasty sought to gain the necessary legitimacy to consolidate and maintain their power by the establishment of social security in the territory and setting up friendly or contentious relations with the existing powers, such as the Seljuqid court, the Abbasid caliphate and the Atabegs of Azerbaijan and Atabegs of Fars.However, the dynasty was overthrown following pointless conflicts with neighboring governments, the weakness of the Shumleh’s successors and various economic, political, and social problems.
Parvin Bayg Mohammadi; Aliakbar Kajbaf; Morteza Nooraie
Before Pahlavi period, religious environment of Shushtar has caused its people to try to devout the greatest part of their endowments to the construction, repair and provision of the requirements of mosques, schools and shrines; therefore, the most fundamental function of endowment has been of cultural ...
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Before Pahlavi period, religious environment of Shushtar has caused its people to try to devout the greatest part of their endowments to the construction, repair and provision of the requirements of mosques, schools and shrines; therefore, the most fundamental function of endowment has been of cultural – religious nature. In spite of the swift changes and modifications in the various social, cultural and economic aspects, the people of Shushtar had still paid more or less considerable attention to the tradition of endowment. The present study is an attempt to examine the “functions of endowment in Shushtar in Pahlavi period” based on a descriptive – analytical method and in accordance with all the endowment documents recorded in the Endowment Department of Shushtar and the available library resources. Moreover, the study is to find the amount, type and uses of the endowments in this particular time span. The results obtained reveal that although the functions had been of cultural – religious nature, they had continued with less emphasis due to the anti-religious policies of Pahlavi regime, in such a way that only 8 real endowment documents has been recorded in Shushtar. Furthermore, consideration of hygienic issues as one of the social functions of endowment has been present in a limited way and accompanied with the cultural – religious function.