In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of History

Document Type : pajoheshi



Fars was one of the Major landowner areas in the country, and a large part of this area was the territory of tribes and nomads of the southern regions of the country whose rulers were the owners of many properties in Fars and allowed many atrocities against their subjects. The agricultural lands in the country's southern regions had a completely different situation from the northern and western territories of the country in terms of quality and fertility due to the weather conditions and soil type. The question raised in this research was: what was the situation of significant owners and small owners and types of ownership interest in Fars on the eve of land reforms? According to the findings of the research, many of the owners of Fars were among the majority of the country's owners in only the area of land, vast but low-yielding lands that did not have much income due to water scarcity and successive droughts. Therefore, most of the owners of these areas, even though they were among the big owners of the country, were not very rich, and many had to hand over some of their lands to rich people or merchants every year due to their debts. And since these owners were not engaged in any other profession, they were very dependent on the income of their properties and ownership interests. The research method was analytical-descriptive and based on library and documentary sources.


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