In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of History

Document Type : pajoheshi


university of Tehran , Tehran , Iran


The  Fali family Rouasa are considered as powerful social groups in judicial affairs and office in southern iran,especially in the Hormuz domain, from the seventh to 11th century. such an increasing presence of human elements in the administrative and govermental affairs, the relational situation of the Fal region after the gradual fall of Siraf from the third century, and also the political structure of Hormuz king, which provided the field of presence and activity of different kinds of human forces in its domain. in this period,  the empowerment of the Fali family in the political apparatus and the govermental, which is considered as one of the most important dynasties along with the rest of the family, and the sources of finance and finance are Hormuz. hence, the relationship between Fali as one of the govermental families in the king realm is Hormuz with the establishment of the monarchy and other clans and social groups in the persian gulf. examining the historical data and documents and analyzing historical data shows that the Fali family was an important source of wealth and power assurance in the political system of Hormuz king. the findings show that competition and conflict conflicts with other social groups on political issues and governmental as well as the efforts of the Portuguese military forces to monopolize the revenues from the Persian Gulf maritime economy combined with the import of a rival and opponent group resulted in weakening the power of the Fali ministry and the monarchy in Hormuz.


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