In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of History

Document Type : pajoheshi


1 Department of History - Faculty of Literature and Humanities - Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran - Tehran - Iran

2 PhD: ShahidBeheshti Branch, ShahidBeheshti University, Tehran, Department of History, Tehran, Iran (author and supervisor);


The Persian Gulf, as Iran's sea route to the world and vice versa, has been under the political, cultural and economic sovereignty of Iran for most of history. This rule was the natural and logical consequence of the action of the largest country on the northern shores of the Persian Gulf in defense of its existence and security, which has taken place unequivocally in most historical periods. With the rise of colonialism and the arrival of European colonial powers; Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, and Britain opposed the Persian Gulf, Iranian sovereignty in the Persian Gulf, and confronted Iran with one of the greatest problems of the modern era. Continuation of this led to the reduction of Iran's power and the further consolidation of British power, and eventually the undisputed power of this country throughout the Persian Gulf in the Qajar era. With the British invasion of the Iranian coast and the capture of Bushir during the Herat War, the conflict with Iranian rule in the Persian Gulf and the de-Iranianization of this great waterway reached its peak. From then on, the reaction and extensive efforts of the Iranians to maintain sovereignty in the Persian Gulf and promote its place in the Iranian mentality began through the production of concepts, meanings and ideas appropriate to the new era in the form of a new Persian Gulf discourse. The findings of this study, based on a combination of causal-rational method, show that the Qajar period press played the main role in promoting the position of the Persian Gulf from natural areas to "member of the body of the body of Iran" in the form of a new Persian Gulf discourse.


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