In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of History

Document Type : pajoheshi


Abhar County Education Secretary


The failure of the Qajar – era security agencies and organizations to act on legal standards has created a climate of mistrust with fear and concern among the citizens. Therefore, the Tabriz State Association as an institution arising from the Iranian constitutional aspiration, along with the establishment of institutions such as justice and the Appellate Court, considered the establishment of order and security an essential element of modern urban society and established the Tabriz Police Department. The present study aims at examining the causes of the formation of the “Tabriz Police Department” and comparing its performance with pre-constitutional security organizations by focusing on Tabriz, using a descriptive-analytical method and using library resources and newspapers. The findings of this study show that despite encountering numerous problems arising from the Tabriz’s eleven month resistance period and some of the misconceptions of the pre-constitutional period,Tabriz’s Police Department could perform its duties in accordance with the legal norms and avoidance of repetition in the short period after its formation and it have earned the trust of the citizens and, more importantly, helped to create an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual interaction between the people and the security and police forces


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