In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of History

Document Type : pajoheshi


1 Professor, Department of History, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 History&Iranology. Isfahan.. Isfahan,, Iran


This study attempted to examine the performance of minor baladias during Pahlavi I. Minor baladia in Fars refers to the municipalities of Fars, except Shiraz. In these areas, the number of members of the Baldaia Association was only six. In those regions, baladia was a newly emerging system, where people for the first time benefited from civil service. In this era, baladia turned into a mere means of governance, where the role of people diminished. Nonetheless, its performance affected the everyday life more than other state-run departments. The method used in this research is descriptive-analytic and document research. The purpose of this research is to provide a comprehensive picture of the activities of Small Baladias. The questions that this research seeks to answer include: a. how did governance in small and remote areas use public services? B. What was the most important problem for the government in providing services in remote areas? The research results are: 1) The government was trying to increase the number of municipalities 2) The baladias was provided urban services as much as possible, 3) in most areas of baladia, there was insufficient capability for civil service due to poor financial resources. Furthermore, this study attempted to figure out the root cause of key problems in small baladias


استخر. ش 42، 1344، ش 29.
استخر. 7 آبان 1304، ش 44، 1304.
استخر. ش 26، 1344ق.
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