In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of History

Document Type : pajoheshi


1 Professor of Economics, Payam-e Noor University; PhD in Economics, Alzahra University

2 M.A. of Open Education Research Center, Payam-e Noor University


The study of importance and role of women participation in Iranian economic areas leading to target setting and policy making in women affairs are among the significant issues of the country. Thus, in the present study, the researchers are to, within the framework of a historical research, elaborate on the economic status of the women during Qajar era, as a historical period, in which the women presence in the society was highlighted because of the emergence of "Constitutional Movement". Accordingly, having used the library method and internet research, the researchers have analyzed the information obtained from historical evidences and studies conducted before. In this research, the economic presence of women in the intended era has been analyzed in form of modern day occupations and then classified based on a new method of classification. Under the classification and based different classes of society during the era, different aspects of women activities have taken into consideration in areas of political, social and subsistence economy


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