In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of History

Document Type : pajoheshi



Gendarmerie force formation in the year 1912 and its expansion throughout the country caused the security establishment in the country, particularly in the borders and frontiers, but the local gunmen were used as reinforcement for establishing the security and fighting the robbery and encroachment, due to the extensiveness of area. In the recent investigation, the local gunmen's performance in the border area of Doroh that gets a very important position with regard to its location on the way of  Herat-Farah highway to Sistan has been studied and explained. This investigation, by virtue of the village chief's public documents of Doroh area as a case study tries to answer this question that what was the role of local gunmen in establishing and stabilizing the security in the remote areas which are far from the center in the modern era? Such investigation claims that, the gunmen, due to the familiarity with their own area's climatic and geographical requirements and local integration, has had a very significant role in establishing the security, especially in the border areas. Other achievements of this investigation showed that using the local gunmen was very useful for the federal government because organizing and controlling them had been undertaken by the village heads of each place voluntarily and honorary.   


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