In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of History

Document Type : pajoheshi



In the past centuries, some of the characters and some Iranian families for some reasons emigrated from Iran to the Indian subcontinent and play an important role in the affairs of the government of that country. One of these families was Sadat of Beihaghi who arrived in Kashmir in the early ninth century AH and because of their presence in the religious-political campaigns in there and communication and close links with the rulers of Kashmir, for some time found their way into Kashmir government and gained appropriate political influence and social status in Kashmir. This is why that family migrated and the entered into the political scene of Kashmir and the ups and downs of their position and role of Sadat of Beihaghi in the political life of Kashmir, and the factors affecting it, are the important questions that this article is to answer them by historical research methods and analytical techniques based on library resources. Sadat of Beihaghi through union with the family of the rulers of Kashmir and paying the cost of attending in the conflicts and competition with those who claim to political and religious opponents, change their position from the status of immigrants and visitors to the position of partners and heirs of the rulers of Kashmir and during the ninth and tenth centuries AH played an important role in the political history of Kashmir.


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