Document Type : pajoheshi
Boyer Ahmad is one of the old Iranian tribes and the greatest tribe of Lor who live from Behbahan to the foothills of Dena mountain. In Qajar era a lot of events had happened in their socio-political life of this tribe that only a few of them were recorded in local songs. Since the late of Zandieh until the end of the reign of Naser-o-Dinshah several famous people of Boyer Ahmad such as Hadi Khan, Shaheen Khan, were the local authority of the region and that part of their political events are reflected in the Requiem, which was written in their grief and was carved on gravestones. Khoda Karam Khan Boyer Ahmadi had a close friendship with famous governors of Fars province such as Farhad Mirza Moetamed-o-Dowla and his son Sultan Owais Mirza Ehtesham-o-Dowla, was a local famous poet and some parts of the events of Boyer Ahmad are reflected in his poetry. Other unknown poets describe the events of the day - especially wars KhodaKaram Khan and his descendants – have written a lot of poems and a few have been recorded and transmitted orally, chest by chest. What remains to this day in local and traditional literature, suggests that important events and influential personalities are reserved and reflected in the mind and language of the public and poets of this tribe. Poems and songs are available both in Persian and in the local dialect (= Lory of Boyer Ahmad). This article is based on research of historical and descriptive - analytical, to reflect historical events of Boyer Ahmad at the desired interval. Some parts of the poems that were studied in this article were earlier in some local resources and other parts were the result of the author's field research, developed. The supposition of the article is that Boyer Ahmadians about important political, social, and military events and big and famous personalities wrote poems and epic poems. As a result, it must be known that Boyer Ahmadians have had a special folk literature about important historical events and influential people, that is a small part of the culture and customs of the public.
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