Document Type : pajoheshi
1 Associate Professor, Department of history.Faculty of Literature. university of alzahra .Tehran. Iran.
2 PhD in Iranology, Lecturer of the Department of Islamic Education, East Azerbaijan .Iran
Study ruling families’ rise of power after the decline of the central powers shows the historical process of passing from centralized Iranian governments to local governments. Unfortunately, theoretical studies related to family history have not yet begun in Iran, so that the emergence and decline of ruling families can be examined in detail. This article studies and analyzes fall of the Gavrudian in Gavrudi region near Hamedan and Kurdistan and in particular Gavrudian's policy towards the three governments of kara kouynlu, Timurid, and Ak kouynlu. The main problem of the Gavrudians who ruled during the 9th century that they could adjust their interests to the three governments’ different and fluid interests. Thus, the fluidity of central governments’ interests led to the Gavrudians’ reaction fluidity and complexity. They could not establish a strong and stable power against the central governments’ centralist policies. The rapid changes forced them to adopt immediate and opportunistic policies. Therefore they became confused. In addition, intra-family rivalries and the performance of rival families reduced their power.
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